Monday, April 03, 2006


(a) Tina Marcroft
(b) Math courses taken here: Math 3B
(c) I like the satisfaction I get after completing what I think might be a difficult problem. I'm not sure what area I'm especially strong in or weak for that matter. I think my performance is pretty much the same throughout all the different types of math I've done.
(d) The only time I can really remember not getting something was actually when I learned some probability in my high school Trigonometry class that I took 3+ years ago. After counting and simple combinations, which were pretty easy, I could not really figure out the more complex problems...(The answers ended up something like 5! times 4C5 over 4! for example... something that didn't follow the equations we derived.) It could have just been I took it too early because it seems like some things that I didn't understand in the past, I can easily understand now. I think the other thing I didn't get in that class was also her complex simplification exercises that you needed to solve with the trigonometric formulas like cos^2theta + sin^2theta = 1. They puzzled me exceedingly.
(e) Actually I liked that tough Trig teacher. She derived/proofed a lot of the formulas so the concepts were easier to understand.
(f) My worst math teacher taught my Stats class in high school. She just gave us the formulas, explained what each formula did in general (i.e. "you use ___ when you need to find ____") and all I had to do was plug and chug. I always finished my homework during the 10 minutes of class she allowed us to do so. I don't think I throughly understood the concepts as there was a stats question on my biology ap final in high school that delved somewhat into the concepts. I had no idea what that question was asking even though we had done those chi stats problems in class.
(g) 2E
(h) Finals are kept for a quarter. After that students can pick them up if they want. If they are not picked up by the end of the second quarter after the final was given, they will be recycled.
(i) A semi-late assignment is homework turned in during class and not before as it should; that is, the semi-late assignments are turned in between 9:10 and 9:50. They get a maximum of 10 points for completeness. Individual problems will be graded in passing.
(j) The 5 minute rule is that whenever I see/stop you, anytime, you must talk to me for at least 5 minutes.


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